VEX IQ Challenge

VEX IQ is a robotics system where you can program, build, and watch it come alive. They teach you key STEM skills that can easily help later on in life. The robots students build become more functional and firm as they get older. VEXcode is thorough across blocks and text, which is used to code the robots they build and tell them what to do. The challenge exists because VEX is preparing the next generation for a high tech future. Two teams collaborate in 60 second teamwork challenge matches each team consists of four drivers and two robots one driver will operate the robot for the first half of the match then the other two the second match. There are similar challenges to this that include driving and programming robots.

JFK Middle School

An award winning, nationally certified biomedical, environmental, agricultural, technological magnet school with a farm-to-table culinary program. The BEAT magnet program has won over 10 National Magnet Program of Excellence Awards.

Simons, Libni B.

Our robotics club mentor, Mr. Simons, he's really nice and he knows a lot about robotics. He has a twitter account were he tells us about his adventures with his past classes.

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